To arrange an appointment, or book a place on a workshop, please do get in touch with me

Other Workshops

These are some of the workshops I offer. I am happy to respond both to requests from organisations who would like to include my work in their programme and from individuals who are registering interest in a particular theme or area. 

Bridging Psyche and Soma
In this workshop we draw on 'Symptom as Symbol' (Ian Gordon-Brown and Barbara Somers) and, in applying this perspective from transpersonal psychology gain an opportunity to explore in depth the fascinating relationship between `psyche' and `soma': the interaction of mind and body, spirit and matter. We examine how our body carries experiences with which we are as yet unable to connect fully, especially on an emotional level. It can manifest the most eloquent symptoms, telling our story until we are ready to become aware, and are able to listen and respond, allowing whatever changes are needed to take place.

Intuition, Inspiration and the Will - the Raincloud of Knowable Things
Here we explore key elements in the journey towards the expansion of consciousness, both individual and collective by examining, through the work of Ian Gordon-Brown, the concept of the Raincloud of Knowable Things as an intelligent source of wisdom, which seeks us as much as we seek it. As part of this process, we consider the many different types of Intuition, becoming more aware of what works for us and also what works for our clients. Through imaging and visualisation, our relationship to Inspiration and the Creative Thread can emerge. Then, seeking to bring our intuitions and inspiration into manifestation in our lives, we will look at the Will To Be (symbolically above us) and the Will To Live (underlying it all). When in touch with our own sense of the life force, we have insight into the energy charging the moment. The peaceful, silent will creates a centre where creative energy is available. There can be no integration without a centre: the transpersonal Self, the true heart, the essence of being.

Thresholds, Cycles and Leaps of Faith
The symbol of a threshold can function like a portal, opening up a new and previously inaccessible way of thinking and perceiving. It can come to represent a transformed way of understanding, interpreting, or viewing something, which is key to the seeker's next steps. When we recognise and explore thresholds in our Transpersonal work, we make new discoveries about our inner world. We can then subtly re-examine our cycles of behaviours and consequent past experiences revealing habitual patterns which we can chose to transform. The way becomes open for making life-changing adjustments through naturally arising, well-grounded leaps of faith. This is a rewarding process at any stage of our development. With a willingness to embrace the unexpected, we may even find the seemingly impossible comes to sit down beside us and take root.

Unfolding the Story - Archaeology of the Soul's Journey
In this workshop we will look at the multi-layered story which clients bring to their sessions: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Using creative visualisation, spot imaging and Gestalt work, and further developing listening skills and dialoguing, participants will have the opportunity to explore both their own inner journey as an unfolding story and also how to work with their clients in this way, integrating the insights with practical work in a small group. The two days, with an intervening night in which to dream, allow for a real quality of spaciousness for the inner process, both individual and within the group.
What emerges is a kind of archaeology of the soul's journey, revealing layers, both conscious and unconscious, in which treasures lie waiting to be discovered. Unfolding that story and opening up the space for it to continue in a new shape, according to the wisdom inherent in the system, is a fascinating and deeply rewarding aspect of the therapeutic process.
'A symbolic work is a perpetual challenge to our thoughts and feelings because even if we know what the symbols are, they do not refer to a given thing, like a sign, but are bridges thrown out towards an unseen shore.' C.G.Jung

Copyright © 2025 Monica Anthony  |  All Rights Reserved
Monica Anthony
43 Gomm Road
SE16 2TY

t: 07896 632124, 020 7232 2562